My message this week is the same as last week: Keep living your values-driven life. 

The world we’re waking up in right now is the same one we were waking up in last year. Whatever your political persuasion, it’s still a world where many people don’t have enough to eat, and also one that records historical lows in the number of people living in abject poverty. It’s a world that’s hard for women, and also one where record numbers of women are accessing higher education, starting businesses, or gaining power and influence. It’s a world that discriminates against Black and Brown people, and also one where many White people and even communities and systems won’t stand for that anymore. It’s the heights and the depths, and I don’t want to opt out. I can’t opt out. 

It’s very tiresome to hear only about what people are against. I want to be clear and focused: What am I opting INTO? 

I choose to: 

  • Repair. Repairing the relationships in my life that are frayed, at loose ends, or fractured. I cannot lead greater change if my own relationships aren’t in integrity. Period. 
  • Connect to the earth. And, in fact, we are not separate from it. Near-death experiences or psychedelic trips all seem to have the same punchline—separation is a myth. When I stand at the bottom of the tall Douglas Firs on the trail by my house, I feel my life connected to theirs. They have seen everything and are still standing. 
  • Protect my eyeballs. I loved listening to Rob Bell talk about this. He encourages us to “clean up our clicks” and protect and most precious resource we have—our attention. I’m reading more books than ever these days.  
  • Engage with local issues. Shout out to the Cascadia Daily News that keeps me informed. Not just about City Council hearings (thank you) but about live music, high school sports, and opportunities to serve in my community.  
  • Take care of my health. And shout out to my trainer Sofia who meets me at the gym early in the morning, hands me barbells that are just outside my comfort zone and is the primary reason this winter hasn’t seemed so dark. Dry January, long walks, no screentime in bed, minimal sugar, and outdoor swims are all helping me feel strong and prepared. 
  • Believe that power and privilege are unequally distributed. I’m watching in grief as many of the structures that give access to marginalized people are dismantled. And I see how the people and organizations I admire most are upping their commitments to equity and healing.  
  • Connect instead of acquire. We are mercilessly marketed to. We need the perfect no-slip socks, a different supplement than we bought last month. acrylic containers for our pantry. Acquisition actually diminishes our happiness and purpose. It takes community and constant recalibration to stay centered in this. 

What are you opting into these days? Thank you for being on this road of life with me. Even at this moment, as you read this, may you be flooded with a sense of compassion and love for yourself. That’s where it all starts.