I’m reminded again this week that life is short. Someone else in my orbit passed away suddenly. We weren’t in one another’s close circles but have mutually admired one another for several years. A few months ago, I got to spend some time with her, and I am cherishing that, re-living what it was like to be in her loving presence and witness her life.
She’s one of the many people I’ve been around lately who are finding some wiggle room. Experimenting, asking good questions, making big or small changes on the bet that it’s possible to experience joy, purpose, and connection or it’s possible just to make things work or feel a little better.
Here are some examples:
- A non-profit ED whose staff came to them and said, “We think our job descriptions are wrong for who we are and what we like to do. Can we re-shuffle?” They had a big staff meeting, and most everyone came out with different duties. Some even with different titles!
- A general manager of a local business who shared with their team in my presence today, “I was on track to make a lot of money and have a lot of stress in my old job, but the soul wasn’t there.”
- A coaching client who’s bravely taking a sabbatical after their previous (unsustainable and impressive) job and discerning what is next. Though they are not a parent, I said, “Maybe you need a parental leave—you are birthing something!”
- A recent retiree who’s recognizing they are at the height of their powers and making a plan for sharing their wisdom and experience with their community.
- A client who left an environment they loved because they knew their work there was done. Wow.
- A friend going back to school in mid-life and completely changing their career.
- A lot of people saying “no” to patterns or commitments that aren’t life-giving anymore.
- A young person in my life coming out, showing all of us how to be ourselves.
- A seasoned, respected leader in my community, reaching out and asking for help to be an even better one.
- A client who started making silly videos with their kids.
- A client who decided not to change all the things they were itching to change and to sit with staying faithful
Where the wiggle room for you? What needs a little more looseness, a little more breathing room? What assumption, pattern, or story is ready to be disrupted? What micro-adjustments can you make that will nudge you toward freedom and purpose? As always, I would love to hear about it. May you feel the wind at your back this week.