The Peace of Wild Things
If you read these newsletters or are around me for more than a few hours, you’re bound to hear me talk about taking silent retreats. Getting away to hear the voice of the earth and [...]
Opting In
My message this week is the same as last week: Keep living your values-driven life. The world we’re waking up in right now is the same one we were waking up in last year. Whatever [...]
There is Something You Can Do
Most weeks, I don’t know what I’m going to say in this newsletter. I sit down, take a breath, and see what comes. I tried that twice already this week. I started a few paragraphs [...]
Wide Awake in a Burning World
Though I am hundreds of miles away in the Pacific Northwest, I haven’t been able to focus on much this week as the fires have raged in Los Angeles and we are getting ready to [...]
My Yearly Reading Entreaty
Happy New Year, friends! I am coming back from almost three weeks off where I did nothing notable. I didn’t write this newsletter, I didn’t go on any epic adventures, I didn’t get big house [...]
2024 in Review
Help in Staying Awake By now you know that December is a very reflective month for me. If you are rolling your eyes, I absolutely don’t blame you! But the point of any reflective practice [...]